Thursday, May 1, 2008

'Game' reverence

In our passionate pursuit of winners, we often overlook the obvious. This is the toughest 'game' in the world. We are in the business of predicting the future. To me, that means restraint is key.

Without sounding hokey, I'm suggesting the player begin his or her analysis of the daily card with simple reflection about the task at hand. It is probably the toughest mental challenge in human endeavor. A moment of silence before going into action doesn't sound too out of line. Keep things in perspective.

I set a winning goal for each day. When I reach or exceed that goal my bets get smaller. To me, there's nothing worse than having a winning day, then going home with less money than I brought. Too stupid.

For instance, today, I stumbled early into a large exacta, although my best selection is in 9th race. My planned wager dropped from $60 to $12. (At this writing, I don't yet know the results).

It's not easy. But I have to do it. I don't own pry-foot-out-of-ass pliers.

As I mentioned in a previous post, after a winning day I usually take the next day off. If I must bet a selection or two it is of the $2 variety. This works for me.

Do you know what works for you?

A moment of silence, might help.