Friday, January 4, 2008

Golden, again

Today. With two minutes to post, I opened the DRF past performances on my computer desktop for Fairgounds Race Track. It was obviously a bunch of dogs, not meant to concern the minds of serious handicappers. Yet, there was one horse, that showed a semblance of the golden move I regularly play. Had seen the jock's name. Again, nothing notable. I quickly punched the nag's number into my betting account, posting $2 win and place.

Well, according to the chart, Dorcheat Captain, won by two lengths , and paid $89.2 to win, $26.8 to place--easily making my day. Imagine what I can do when I figure out the missing pieces of this puzzle.

For example, three, even four, horses in the seventh at the Big A show this move. How do I separate them? What makes one move more real than the others? Even the result didn't give me a clue.

FYI, the book is already written. This year, I intend to release the method behind these golden winners, whether it's completely solved or not. In fact, you already have access to the same information right in the form. Think you got it? Let me know.