It's accepted that humans are creatures of habit. Does the same thng translate to the horses they train? Realistically, the move is a human creaion. It is designed to work a horse into shape, assure it is ready for the winner's circle photo–at a price well above it's chances.
Eldaafer is such a horse. I have caught trainer Diane Alvarado's move tactics on this horse at nearly 8-1 in April. She pulled it again at Belmont, yesterday, at a much better price. This time, El paid $36.2, 12.8, 5.4 and capped off a $233 daily double.
Even though I was having a less than spectacular day, to that point, I wheeled Eldaafer to every horse in the previous race. Just so happens that it connected to another mover Despite the Odds, $17.2 . So I had the double twice.
"Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?"
If something works, don't fix it!